and the countdowns begin...
2004-08-15 at 5:50 p.m.

school starts in 15 days. ho-ly shit. mitch leaves in 11.

i must agree with what everyone else i know seems to be saying...this summer flew by. i suppose i've said that before, but this summer is different. it absolutely flew by. 4 whole months gone. i can't get over it.

i'm in awe of the fact that he leaves in 11 days. i've spent so many 11 days with him. two years with one boy and he's leaving. i don't think i'll feel whole. he's my heart and everything that is me. it's all in him.

perhaps all my interal things will live vicariously through him, eh? i can only hope.

my life is filled with working and not working. when not working i'm usually sitting on my ass. my social life is kaputz (i don't think that word is used correctly, but i've always wanted to try) by my own actions. somehow it doesn't really bother me. a phone call here and there satisfies me. does that make me horrible?

that's all. i've missed your diaryland.

oh my - 2005-10-21
miss you - 2004-12-12
bye duckie - 2004-11-17
..trying to be lately - 2004-11-01
guess i'm doing fine - 2004-10-05

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