2003-09-03 at 8:40 p.m.

its incredible how on my shitty days my friends always leave me happy messages. and i didn't say it a was shitty day, just put up a "doing homework, leave something happy:)" message and i see a little later that people have left me messages. now, on days where i put the same thing and im fine, i rarely recieve happy messages. that makes me so happy. people love me! im loved!

and now i have a request: people with diaries....UPDATE THEM. god damn it, i check every day and none of you people update nearly enough for my nosiness. what are you doing, hows school going...tell me tell me!

now i bet you're wondering why im in a bad mood? (i say this with sarcasm, as there always seems to be something "wrong" with me, as i am a hypochondriac [yes, seriously] and semi-neurotic) anyways, i dont have any real reason. my period is late late late, but i've had cramps and some serious pms for over a week now. mitch keeps forgetting to call, which just pisses me off severely. and i keep listening to "more to me than you" and getting all sad.

and, oh my god, the homework. my english teacher is insane. nice guy, but every night im reading some 40 page essay in old english and summarizing it for the following class. on top of this bhagavad gita shit im supposed to read for world civ, and the daily articles for health and human services, and reading my entire sociology book, and all the freakin energy it takes to pretend im awake in math. and my teachers such a bimbo, its ridiculous. shes a first year grad student, and she literally thinks we're idiots. guess how our lesson started today, and i am NOT JOKING. she wrote 2+2 on the board. i almost shit myself. and it amazes me because except for me and one other girl everyone obediently takes notes and acts like its all new to them. HOW DID YOU CHILDREN GET INTO COLLEGE?! honestly!

oh my - 2005-10-21
miss you - 2004-12-12
bye duckie - 2004-11-17
..trying to be lately - 2004-11-01
guess i'm doing fine - 2004-10-05

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