hello old friend
2004-07-01 at 10:53 p.m.

i feel smarter when i write here.

i know i promised to start writing regularly again, but i've been finding that a hard task. i am embarassed to admit i have had a livejournal for a long while, which is where my daily entries go. however, they never indulge much of anything and are mostly just my bitching. you still get the good stuff, i swear.

i've worked the last 7 days in the row between my two jobs which makes me want to puke. i have tomorrow off and mitch leaves for north carolina for two weeks tomorrow as well.

i feel like i haven't been out in so long. and i really do miss this diary, because there's so many things i wish were neatly tucked away in it. like how my hernia gets me drunk off of two drinks now, and im constantly constipated and my stomach hurts all the time...which are probably pretty huge signs that something really is wrong. i continue to do nothing about it, and that is why i am me.

life is fairly groovy. i don't know whether it's a good thing or not, but i just don't overthink things as much anymore. in some ways it makes me sad because i feel like i've lost a little bit of myself each time i turn off what im thinking. but, it is preventing any sort of nervous breakdowns.

and, i hope this works, this is mitch and i at prom...

oh my - 2005-10-21
miss you - 2004-12-12
bye duckie - 2004-11-17
..trying to be lately - 2004-11-01
guess i'm doing fine - 2004-10-05

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