2003-10-06 at 6:28 p.m.

1. [If you had the choice to spin around the sun, or walk on the moon, which would you choose and why?] walk on the moon. it just seems better.

2. [If you could share that experience with one person, who would that be, and why?] mel. i think she'd have so much fun.

3. [What colour do you think best describes you and why?] white. cant explain why.

4. [Do you know what your element is? If so, what is it?] no

5. [Do you know your astrological sign? If so, what is it?] scorpio

6. [Do you believe that your dreams are a gateway to your soul?] i hope not

7. [What was your most vivid dream?] my sex dreams. lol. no, really.

8. [If you could be doing anything right now, what would you be doing and why?] sleeping with my body pillow. but, i dont have a body pillow yet:(

9. [If you could only choose one element to surround yourself with either a)wind, b)fire, c)earth, or d)water, which would you choose and why?] eearth. but the cool earth, like pre-everything earth. i'd just wander through fields and play with animals all day.

10. [Would you ever share you heart completely with someone else? If yes, who? if no, why not?] i have, i will.

11. [Who runs circles around your mind?] the boy in my english class. just sometimes though.

12. [If you had to paint a self-portrait would you make it a)realistic, b)abstract, or c)you'd rather die than have to pick up a paint brush? Explain your answer.] id probably make it realistic, but i cant paint for shit.

13. [Which do you prefer more and why, a)natural light, b)candle light, c)florescent light, or d)moonlight?] candle light. makes me feel all hopeful.

14. [Do you believe in karma? Do you even know what karma is?] yes, i know what it means thanks to freshmen global w/mrs. marsley. and, yes, i believe in it to some extent.

15. [How about fate? Are we all fulfilling a destiny here on earth?] not fulling a destiny, but i do believe everything happens for a reason.

16. [Who is the most thought-provoking person you know, and why?] mitch

17. [Who is the most inspiring and why?] christina, because we are so different and the way she deals with things is so foreign to me.

18. [If you had to spend the rest of your natural life with only one other human being, who would that be and why?] i havent found anyone yet i'd like to do that with.

19. [Which sense could you not live without, and why?] seeing. i love beautiful things, and ugly things too.

20. [Have you ever written on a mirror? If so what did you write?] no, cant say i have

21. [Have you ever written or drawn on another person? If so who, and what did you write/draw?] i drew property of amanda on mitch's penis, and drew my hand on his butt. hehe.

22. [What do you wish on?] stars, silly romantic i am.

23. [Right now is your life, spiraling, or ascending? Why?] spiraling in some ways, ascending it others. spiraling because everything is changing, and ascending because everything is changing.

24. [If you could change one thing you did in the last 24 hours, what would it be and why?] checking for my period before sitting down.

26. [Do you prefer sleeping outside beneath the night sky, or your cozy bed indoors? Why?] indoors i guess. i dont have much experience with outdoors sleeping though. i like beds though.

27. [What is the most beautiful thing in the world?] babies little fingers and toes.

28. [Name one person whose changed your life for the better.] mitch

29. [Name one person whose changed your life for the worse.] no one

30. [If you knew you were going to pass away within the next few days, what would be the last thing you say, and who would you say that to?] thank you, to my family.

31. [Do you believe in heaven? If so what do you think it will be like?] yes i believe in it. i think it'll be like that robin williams movie, i forget what its called. where everyone has their own world and when they're ready to have other people there with them it will happen.

32. [Would you rather a) run through a sunflower field, b) jump inside a waterfall, or c) hike through the woods? Why?] jump inside a waterfall, because im allergic to everything.

33. [What is your worst fear in the world? Does it consume you?] being unhappy.

34. [What is one thing that can make you smile no matter what mood your in?] my friends. saying "mine?" like the seagulls in finding nemo.

35. [If you could meet anyone, past or present, dead or alive, who would you meet and why?] id like to meet little me as a 2 year old. whisper things to myself that will help me out now.

36. [Have you ever written poetry? Have you shared it?] yes and yes.

37. [Do you believe experimentation can be a good thing? Why or why not?] experimentation with what?

38. [What was the last thing someone said to you?] move big hair

39. [What was the last thing you said to them?] shutup

40. [If you had the ability to change one thing about the world, what would it be and why?] take away all the ugly buildings no one uses..make things more beautiful. add trees and animals and open fields.

41. [If you could go back in time, where would you go, what would you do, and why?] time when there was just nature, and everything was clean and perfect.

oh my - 2005-10-21
miss you - 2004-12-12
bye duckie - 2004-11-17
..trying to be lately - 2004-11-01
guess i'm doing fine - 2004-10-05

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